1. School of Information and Control Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou China
2. Artificial Intelligence Unit, Department of Medical Equipment Management Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University Xuzhou China
3. Department of Interventional Radiology Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University Xuzhou China
4. Department of Histopathology Ningbo Clinical Pathology Diagnosis Center Ningbo China
5. Department of Pathology University of Chicago Medicine Chicago Illinois USA
6. Department of Pathology the Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University Hangzhou China
7. Southampton National Institute for Health and Care Research Biomedical Research Centre University Hospital Southampton, Southampton General Hospital, and University of Southampton Southampton UK
8. Department of Medicine University of Verona Verona Italy
9. IRCSS Sacro Cuore – Don Calabria Hospital Negrar di Valpolicella Italy
10. Department of Pathology the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou China
11. Institute for AI in Medicine, School of Artificial Intelligence Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology Nanjing China
12. Department of Pathology Xuzhou Central Hospital Xuzhou China
13. MAFLD Research Center, Department of Hepatology the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou China
14. Institute of Hepatology Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou China
15. Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment for the Development of Chronic Liver Disease in Zhejiang Province Wenzhou China