1. Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET); National Research Council (CNR); Via G. Caproni 8 50145 Firenze Italy
2. Department of Agrifood, Environmental and Animal Science; University of Udine; Via delle Scienze 206 33100 Udine Italy
3. Research and Innovation Centre; Edmund Mach Foundation (FEM); Via E. Mach 1 38010 S. Michele all ‘Adige (TN) Italy
4. Foxlab Joint CNR-FEM Initiative; Via E. Mach 1 38010 San Michele all ‘Adige Trento Italy
5. Carbon Solutions CS Deutschland GmbH; CarbonSolutions Deutschland GmbH; Ruhlsdorfer Straße 100 14513 Teltow Germany
6. IMéRA - Institut d’études avancées de l'Universitè Aix-Marseille; 2 Place Le Verrier 13004 Marseille France