Proposed vacuum sampling method for collecting foraging Vespula wasps at their nest entrance


Daly Derek1,Molepo Dikobe K.12,Veldtman Ruan12ORCID


1. Kirstenbosch Research Centre, South African National Biodiversity Institute Claremont South Africa

2. Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology Stellenbosch University Matieland South Africa


AbstractSampling nests of yellow jackets, Vespula spp. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), represent a particular challenge due to the danger involved in working with live colonies of a potentially aggressive venomous super‐organism. Here, we report on sampling methods using a petrol‐driven leaf blower/vacuum and a battery‐powered vacuum to sample returning Vespula germanica (Fabricius) foragers at their nest entrance. These methods make the sampling of returning foragers at the nest more efficient and convenient and represent a low‐risk approach to sampling. Applications include prey analysis and genetic sampling that can be done destructively or non‐destructively depending on the geographic location. We sampled 15 nests using the two‐stroke vacuum apparatus and collected on average (±SD) 454 ± 271 wasps per nest. We believe that the petrol‐driven vacuum collection apparatus we designed is a useful method for collecting a large number of social wasp foragers returning to a single‐nest entrance.



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