1. Research Group of Studies on the Reproduction of Amazon fish (GERPA/LANEC), Biology Faculty (FACBIO) Federal University of South and Southern of Pará Marabá Pará Brazil
2. PPG in Animal Reproduction in the Amazon Federal Rural University of Amazon Belem Pará Brazil
3. Faculty of Countryside Education Federal University of South and Southern of Pará Marabá Brazil
4. Faculty of Biology Federal University of South and Southern of Pará Marabá Brazil
5. PPG in Neuroscience and Behavior Federal University of Pará Marabá Brazil
6. Association of the Vila Tauiry Extractivist Riverside Community (ACREVITA), Tauiry Village, Pará, Bazil Itupiranga Pará Brazil
7. Neuroscience and Behavior Laboratory “Frederico Guilherme Graeff” (LANEC), Psychology University, Institute of Healthy and Biologics Studies Federal University of South and Southern of Para Marabá Pará Brazil