1. General Committee (hereafter GC) Minutes, 10.1.1770, London Metropolitan Archives (hereafter LMA)/A/FH/K02/12. After 1776, because of the continuing problem of the crowds attending reception days, in order to cut down on numbers, people were admitted to the ballot to draw balls on a Wednesday unaccompanied by their children. If a white ball was drawn then they had to return with their child on the following Saturday, GC Minutes, 31.1.1776, LMA/A/FH/K02/015.
2. GC Minutes, 10.1.1770, LMA/A/FH/K02/012.
3. 8.7.1772, LMA/A/FH/A8/1/1/3. See also, 7.10.1772 and 24.5.1775, LMA/A/FH/A8/1/1/3 and/6.
4. Orgasm, Generation, and the Politics of Reproductive Biology