Organic matter influence on ooid formation: New insights into classic examples (Great Salt Lake, USA; Triassic Germanic Basin, Germany)


Pei Yu123ORCID,Suarez‐Gonzalez Pablo4ORCID,Duda Jan‐Peter35,Reitner Joachim35


1. State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Lumo Road 388 Wuhan 430074 China

2. Department of Geosciences Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Schnarrenbergstrasse 94‐96 Tübingen 72076 Germany

3. ‘Origin of Life’ Group Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities Theater Strasse 7 Göttingen 37073 Germany

4. Departamento de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología Complutense University of Madrid José Antonio Nováis 12 Madrid 28040 Spain

5. Department of Geobiology, Geoscience Center Georg‐August‐Universität Göttingen Goldschmidtstrasse 3 Göttingen 37077 Germany


ABSTRACTOoids are coated grains composed of a tangential or radial cortex growing around a nucleus. They are common in carbonate deposits of almost any geological age and provide insights into environmental conditions. However, abiotic or biotic factors influencing their formation remain unclear. This study aims to advance current understanding of ooid formation with a multi‐analytical approach (for example, field emission scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and micro X‐ray fluorescence) to classic examples from Great Salt Lake, USA, and the Lower Triassic Germanic Buntsandstein Basin, Germany. Both of these deposits represent hypersaline shallow‐water environments where ooids are closely associated with microbial mats. Great Salt Lake ooids are dominantly 0.2 to 1.0 mm in size, ellipsoidal to subspherical in shape, composed of aragonite and contain organic matter. Germanic Buntsandstein Basin ooids are mainly ≤4 mm in size, spherical to subspherical in shape, composed of calcite and currently contain little organic matter. Despite the differences, both ooids have the same cortex structures, likely reflecting similar formation processes. Some Great Salt Lake ooids formed around detrital grains while others exhibit micritic particles in their nuclei. In Germanic Basin ooids, detrital nuclei are rare, despite the abundance of siliciclastic particles of various sizes in the host rocks. Germanic Basin deposits also include ‘compound ooids’, i.e. adjacent ooids that coalesced with one another during growth, suggesting static in situ development, which is supported by the lack of detrital grains as nuclei. Germanic Basin ooids also grew into laminated microbial crusts with identical microstructures, further indicating a static formation. Such microbial crusts typically form through mineral precipitation associated with organic matter (for example, extracellular polymeric substances), suggesting a similar formation pathway for ooids. The inferred key‐role of organic matter is further supported by features in radial ooids from the Great Salt Lake, which commonly exhibit, from their nuclei towards their surface, increasing organic matter contents and decreasing calcification.


China Postdoctoral Science Foundation



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