1. Postgraduate Programme in the Biology of Infectious and Parasitic Agents/Federal University of Pará – PPgBAIP/ICB/UFPA Rua Augusto Correa n° 1, Campus Universitário Guamá, Belém Pará CEP: 66.075‐110 Brazil
2. Ecology and Limnology Laboratory/State University of the Tocantina Region of Maranhão – LEL/UEMASUL Rua Godofredo Viana n° 1300, Centro Imperatriz Maranhão CEP: 65.901‐480 Brazil
3. Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory/State University of the Tocantina Region of Maranhão – LABTEC/UEMASUL Rua Godofredo Viana n° 1300, Centro Imperatriz Maranhão CEP: 65.901‐480 Brazil
4. Tocantins Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology – IFTO Povoado Santa Teresa, KM 05, Zona Rural Araguatins Tocantins CEP: 77.950‐000 Brazil
5. Laboratory of Applied Genetics/Federal Rural University of Amazonia – LGA/UFRA Avenida Presidente Tancredo Neves, n° 2501, Terra Firme Belém Pará CEP: 66.077‐830 Brazil
6. Research Laboratory Carlos Azevedo/Federal Rural University of the Amazon – LPCA/UFRA Avenida Presidente Tancredo Neves, n° 2501, Terra Firme Belém Pará CEP: 66.077‐830 Brazil