1. Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology Tampere University Tampere Finland
2. Department of Dermatology Tampere University Hospital Tampere Finland
3. Faculty of Social Sciences Tampere University Tampere Finland
AbstractChronic ulcer patients form a heterogenous group of patients with various medical backgrounds. Cost‐effective targeted treatment necessitates more knowledge about specific features related to different subgroups of ulcer patients. Hence, this study aimed to characterize ulcer patients according to gender and ulcer aetiology. A total of 946 consecutively recorded chronic ulcer patients in the Tampere Wound Registry (TWR) were included and data were gathered from the TWR and patient medical records. Comparisons were made between males and females and patients with venous‐, arterial or mixed‐, diabetic foot‐, pressure‐ and atypical ulcers. Male patients were found to have diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and obesity significantly more often than females (59.2% vs. 39.6%; p < 0.001, 46.5% vs. 33.3%; p = 0.001, 42.7% vs. 35.9%; p = 0.017 respectively), whereas autoimmune diseases were more common among females (30.6% vs. 15.6%; p < 0.001). Recurrence of ulcers was most common among patients with venous ulcers (p < 0.001) and multimorbidity among those with diabetic foot ulcers (p < 0.001). To conclude, males with chronic ulcers would benefit particularly from lifestyle advice, multidisciplinary treatment should be targeted specifically at those with diabetic and arterial or mixed ulcers and preventive measures at those with venous ulcers.