1. Sidney Littlefield Kasfir (USA) is associate professor of African art history at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. She taught at the University of Jos and University of Ibadan in Nigeria and carried out research on masquerades in the Benue Valley. Earlier she managed the Nomo Gallery, a space for contemporary art in Kampala, Uganda. She directed the Anthology is West African Masks and Cultural Systems and published Contemporary African Art (Thames & Hudson) in 1999. Her most recent research...
2. Olabiyi B. Yai (Benin) was professor and director of the Department of the Languages and Literatures of Africa and Asia at the University of Florida, Olabiyi B. Yai has studied at the Sorbonne and the University of Ibadan. He taught at the Université Nationale du Bénin, and the universities of Ibadan (Nigeria), Ife (Nigeria), Bahia (Brazil) and Birmingham (United Kingdom). At present, he is ambassador and permanent delegate of Benin to UNESCO.