1. ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators)(2013)Opinion of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators No 07/2013 of 25 March 2013 on the suitability of long run average incremental costs for the assessment of inter‐transmission system operator compensation for infrastructure 2 April. Available from URL:https://www.acer.europa.eu/Official_documents/Acts_of_the_Agency/Opinions/Opinions/ACER%20Opinion%2007-2013.pdf.
2. ACER(2013)Recommendation of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators No 05/2013 of 25 March 2013 on a new regulatory framework for the inter‐transmission system operator compensation 3 April. Available from URL:https://www.acer.europa.eu/Official_documents/Acts_of_the_Agency/Recommendations/ACER%20Recommendation%2005-2013.pdf.
3. ACER & ENTSO‐E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) (2015)Terms of Reference for the European Network Code Stakeholder Committees. Draft 29 May. Available from URL: http://www.acer.europa.eu/Official_documents/Public_consultations/PC_2014_E_08/20150529 ESC Draft ToR.pdf.
4. New Modes of European Governance An Introduction
5. Process-Tracing Methods