Population genomics of Corsican wildcats: Paving the way toward a new subspecies within the Felis silvestris spp. complex?


Portanier Elodie1ORCID,Henri Hélène1,Benedetti Pierre2,Sanchis Frédéric2,Régis Corinne1,Chevret Pascale1ORCID,Zedda Marco3,El Filali Adil1,Ruette Sandrine4,Devillard Sébastien1


1. Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive University of Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS Villeurbanne France

2. Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB), Direction Régionale PACA‐Corse, Cellule Technique Corse, Hameau de Mezzana Moltifao France

3. Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria Università degli Studi di Sassari Sassari Italy

4. Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB) Direction de la Recherche et de l'Appui Scientifique, UPAD Montfort, Birieux France


AbstractIn the context of the current extinction crisis, identifying new conservation units is pivotal to the development of sound conservation measures, especially in highly threatened taxa such as felids. Corsican wildcats are known by Corsican people since a very long time but have been little studied. Meaningful information about their phylogenetic position is lacking. We used ddRADseq to genotype phenotypically homogenous Corsican wildcats at 3671 genome‐wide SNPs and reported for the first time their genetic identity. We compared this genomic information to domestic cats Felis silvestris catus from Corsica and mainland France, European wildcats F. s. silvestris and Sardinian wildcats F. s. lybica. Our premise was that if the Corsican wildcat, as a phenotypic entity, also represents a genetic entity, it deserves conservation measures and to be recognized as a conservation unit. Corsican wildcats appeared highly genetically differentiated from European wildcats and genetically closer to Sardinian wildcats than to domestic cats. Domestic cats from Corsica and mainland France were closer to each other and Sardinian wildcats were intermediate between Corsican wildcats and domestic cats. This suggested that Corsican wildcats do not belong to the F. s. silvestris or catus lineages. The inclusion of more high‐quality Sardinian samples and Near‐Eastern mainland F. s. lybica would constitute the next step toward assessing the status of Corsican wildcat as a subspecies and/or evolutionarily significant unit and tracing back wildcat introduction history of in Corsica.


Office Français de la Biodiversité

Université de Lyon




Genetics,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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