1. National Forest Centre - Forest Research Institute; Forest Protection and Game Management; Banská Štiavnica Slovakia
2. Department of Entomology; Cornell University; Ithaca USA
3. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research; Sofia Bulgaria
4. Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences; Czech University of Life Sciences; Prague Czech Republic
5. Department of Forest Protection; LESY SR; Banská Bystrica Slovakia
6. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Forest Research Institute; Sofia Bulgaria
7. Faculty of Forestry; University of Zagreb; Zagreb Croatia
8. Department of Forest Protection; NARIC Forest Research Institute; Mátrafüred Hungary
9. SCC GmbH; Weinsheim Germany
10. Department of Forest Protection; Austrian Research and Training Centre for Forests; Natural Hazards and Landscape; Vienna Austria
11. Mlyňany Arboretum; Institute of Forest Ecology SAS; Vieska nad Žitavou Slovakia
12. Faculty of Forestry; Technical University Zvolen; Zvolen Slovakia
13. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics; Sofia Bulgaria