1. The ‘Abdus Salam’ International Centre for Theoretical Physics; Multidisciplinary Laboratory; Strada Costiera, 11 34014 Trieste Italy
2. Department of Mathematics and Geosciences; University of Trieste; Via Weiss 8 34127 Trieste Italy
3. Nuclear Analysis and Radiography Department; MTA Centre for Energy Research; Konkoly Thege 29-33 H-1121 Budapest Hungary
4. National Museum of Slovenia; Prešernova 20 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
5. Institute of Archaeology; ZRC SAZU; Novi Trg 2 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
6. Department of History and Cultures from Antiquity to Contemporary World; University of Trieste; Via Lazzaretto Vecchio 6 34123 Trieste Italy