1. Department of Neuropediatrics; Children's Hospital; University of Leubeck; Leubeck Germany
2. King's College Hospital; London United Kingdom
3. Department of Pediatric Neurology; Riuniti Hospital; Ancona Italy
4. UCL Institute of Child Health; Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust; London United Kingdom
5. Department of Pediatric Neurology; University of Medicine; Wien Vienna Austria
6. Charles Nicolle Department of Neurophysiology; Rouen University Hospital; Rouen France
7. Medisch Spectrum Twente; Enschede The Netherlands
8. Pole Child Neuropediatrics Service; Roger-Salengro Hospital; CHRU-University of North France; Lille France
9. Department of Neurology; Ghent University Hospital; Ghent Belgium
10. Sheffield Children's Hospital; Sheffield United Kingdom
11. Cyberonics, Inc.; Houston Texas U.S.A
12. Epilepsy, Sleep and Pediatric Neurophysiology Department; University Hospitals of Lyon (HCL) and Lyon Neurosciences Research Center (CRNL); Lyon France
13. Gasthuisberg University Hospital; Leuven Belgium