A double-tuned 1H/23Na resonator allows 1H-guided 23Na-MRI in ischemic stroke patients in one session


Neumaier-Probst Eva1,Konstandin Simon23,Ssozi Judith14,Groden Christoph1,Hennerici Michael5,Schad Lothar R.2,Fatar Marc5


1. Department of Neuroradiology, Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany

2. Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany

3. MR-Imaging and Spectroscopy, Faculty 01 (Physics/Electrical Engineering), University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany

4. Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Universitätsspital Basel, Basel, Switzerland

5. Department of Neurology, Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany


Background Established imaging methods are still not confident in the determination of stroke onset. Sodium imaging in animal models and lately in humans implicates that the sodium signal intensity within the ischemic lesion increases in a time-dependent fashion. Sodium imaging usually requires a time-consuming change of resonators or magnetic resonance imaging systems. To avoid this, we used a double-tuned 1H/23Na birdcage head coil in combination with a protocol minimizing T1- and T2*-weighting effects for measurement of sodium intensity in acute stroke patients. Methods Multinuclear 1H/23Na data sets were obtained from 16 stroke patients [75 ± 9.9 (standard deviation) years old] 4-130 h after symptom onset. The protocol was acquired on a clinical 3T magnetic resonance imaging site using a double-tuned 1H/23Na birdcage head coil. Sodium signal intensity within the lesion and homologous contralateral side was measured and compared. Results With an acquisition time of the complete magnetic resonance imaging protocol of 22 min, a nonlinear sodium signal intensity increase within the lesion over time after stroke onset was acknowledged. Onset time within six-hours showed an increase of only 8% or less, whereas onset time beyond 8.5 h demonstrated increases of 36% or more reaching a maximum of 170% > 120 h. In addition, some patients showed a difference in sodium signal intensity compared with diffusion weighted imaging lesion. Conclusions The use of a double-tuned 1H/23Na birdcage head coil in a clinical setting ‘allowed sodium intensity measurements’ in a justifiable time also for acute stroke patients, and heterogenous sodium signal intensity in the diffusion weighted imaging lesion might represent differences in tissue damage or repair.


SAGE Publications










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