1. UK Higher education library management statistics 2000-2001. London; Society of College, National and University Libraries, 2002 (prepared by Claire Creaser of the Library and Information Services Statistics Unit at Loughborough University)
2. The Effective Academic Library: a framework for evaluating the pegormanee of UK academic libraries - a consultative report to the HEFCE, SHEFC, HEFCW and DENI by the Joint Funding Councils’ Ad-hoe Group on Pegormanee Indicators for Libraries. HEFCE; Bristol, 1995 The Follett Report. Report of the Joint Funding Councils’ Libraries Review Group [chaired by Sir Brian Follett] to the HEFCE, SHEFC, HEFCW and DENI. Bristol; HEFCE, 1993. http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/services/papers/follett/report/