A library for the modern law school: a statement of standards for university law library provision in the United Kingdom - 2003 revision


Winterton Jules


The Statement of Standards for University Law Library Provision is a comprehensive and flexible set of Standards providing authoritative guidance, representing a broad consensus of views, for Law Schools and law librarians. The Standards were drawn up by a consultative group established by the Libraries Committee of the Society, and approved by the Society after extensive consultation with academic, professional and governmental bodies. The Standards cover the whole range of issues relating to the operation of a Law Library including its relationship with the Law School, its management, collections, space, and equipment. It is supported by an annual survey of university Law Library provision conducted in collaboration with the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians. The accumulated research data from these surveys provides the basis not only for realistic benchmarks and targets in the Statement but also for a series of analytical research reports which monitor trends in university Law Library provision. (The published Statements and research reports are listed below.)


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference3 articles.

1. UK Higher education library management statistics 2000-2001. London; Society of College, National and University Libraries, 2002 (prepared by Claire Creaser of the Library and Information Services Statistics Unit at Loughborough University)

2. The Effective Academic Library: a framework for evaluating the pegormanee of UK academic libraries - a consultative report to the HEFCE, SHEFC, HEFCW and DENI by the Joint Funding Councils’ Ad-hoe Group on Pegormanee Indicators for Libraries. HEFCE; Bristol, 1995 The Follett Report. Report of the Joint Funding Councils’ Libraries Review Group [chaired by Sir Brian Follett] to the HEFCE, SHEFC, HEFCW and DENI. Bristol; HEFCE, 1993. http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/services/papers/follett/report/

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