1. Centre for Health Economics; University of York; York UK
2. Evidence-Based Health Care Ltd; Edinburgh UK
3. Departments of Experimental Immunology and of Otorhinolaryngology; Academic Medical Center; University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam The Netherlands
4. Section of Allergology; Department of Internal Medicine; Erasmus MC; Rotterdam The Netherlands
5. Food Allergy Referral Centre Veneto Region; Department of Women and Child Health; Padua General University Hospital; Padua Italy
6. The David Hide Asthma and Allergy Research Centre; St Mary's Hospital, Newport Isle of Wight; NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre; University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust; Southampton UK
7. University of Southampton; Southampton UK
8. Asthma UK; Centre for Applied Research; Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics; The University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh UK