Curriculum for neurogastroenterology and motility training: A report from the joint ANMS-ESNM task force


Gyawali C. P.1ORCID,Savarino E.2,Lazarescu A.3,Bor S.4,Patel A.5ORCID,Dickman R.6,Pressman A.7,Drewes A. M.8,Rosen J.9,Drug V.10,Saps M.11,Novais L.12,Vazquez-Roque M.13,Pohl D.14,van Tilburg M. A. L.151617,Smout A.18,Yoon S.19,Pandolfino J.20,Farrugia G.13,Barbara G.21,Roman S.2223ORCID


1. Division of Gastroenterology; Washington University School of Medicine; St. Louis MO, USA

2. Division of Gastroenterology; Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences; University of Padua; Padua Italy

3. Division of Gastroenterology; University of Alberta; Edmonton Canada

4. Department of Gastrenterology; Ege University; Izmir Turkey

5. Duke University School of Medicine and the Durham VA Medical Center; Durham NC USA

6. Division of Gastroenterology; Rabin Medical Center and The Sackler Faculty of Medicine; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv Israel

7. Division of Gastroenterology; Brown University; Providence RI USA

8. Mech-Sense; Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology; Aalborg University Hospital; Aalborg Denmark

9. Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition; Children's Mercy Hospital; Kansas City USA

10. Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; University Hospital “St Spiridon”; University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr T Popa”; Iasi Romania

11. Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; University of Miami; Miami FL USA

12. Neurogastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Motility Lab; New University of Lisbon; Lisbon Portugal

13. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Mayo Clinic; Jacksonville FL USA

14. Klinik fur Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie; University of Zurich; Zurich Switzerland

15. College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences; Campbell University; Buies Creek NC USA

16. Department of Medicine; University of North Carolina; Chapel Hill NC USA

17. School of Social Work; University of Washington; Seattle WA USA

18. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Academic Medical Center; Amsterdam The Netherlands

19. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; University of Rochester; Rochester NY USA

20. Division of Gastroenterology; Department of Medicine; Northwestern University; Chicago IL USA

21. Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences; University of Bologna; Bologna Italy

22. Digestive Physiology; Université de Lyon; Hospices Civils de Lyon; Lyon France

23. Digestive Physiology; Université de Lyon; Lyon I University; Lyon France




Gastroenterology,Endocrine and Autonomic Systems,Physiology

Reference23 articles.







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