1. University Medical Center Utrecht; Medical Microbiology; Heidelberglaan 100 3584 CX Utrecht The Netherlands
2. Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Maryland Pathogen Research Institute; University of Maryland; 3124 Biosciences Research Building College Park MD 20742 USA
3. Division of Molecular Microbiology; University of Dundee; School of Life Sciences; Dow Street DD1 5EH Dundee UK
4. Complex Carbohydrate Research Center; Department of Chemistry; The University of Georgia; 315 Riverbend Road Athens USA
5. Division of Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery; University of Dundee; School of Life Sciences; Dow Street DD1 5EH Dundee UK
6. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; Research Complex at Harwell; OX11 0FA Didcot UK