Later (“evening”) circadian preference is associated with poorer executive, academic, and attentional functioning in adolescents with and without ADHD


Becker Stephen P.12ORCID,Brown Aleah3,Langberg Joshua M.4,Beebe Dean W.12


1. Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati OH USA

2. Department of Pediatrics University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati OH USA

3. Spelman College Atlanta GA USA

4. Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology Rutgers University Piscataway NJ USA


BackgroundAdolescents vary considerably in their circadian phase preference; those with greater “eveningness” (also known as “night owls”) have later bedtimes, wake times, and peak arousal compared to those with greater “morningness.” Prior research suggests that (a) greater eveningness is associated with worse academic, executive, and attentional functioning; and (b) adolescents with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tend to be high in eveningness and to have deficits in these school‐related constructs. However, few studies have examined circadian preference alongside two potential confounds—sleep duration and sleep quality—as predictors of daytime functioning, or whether the strength of associations differs across adolescents with and without ADHD.MethodsParticipants were 302 adolescents (Mage = 13.17 years; 44.7% female; 81.8% White); approximately half (52%) had ADHD. A multi‐method, multi‐informant design was used. Specifically, adolescents reported on their circadian preference, school night sleep duration, and sleep quality. Adolescents provided ratings of their academic motivation (intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation) and were administered standardized achievement tests in reading and math. Adolescents and parents completed ratings of daily life executive functioning (behavioral, emotion, and cognitive regulation), and they and teachers also provided ratings of ADHD inattentive symptoms.ResultsAbove and beyond sleep duration, sleep quality, and covariates (sex, family income, pubertal development, medication use), greater eveningness was uniquely associated with poorer academic, executive, and attentional functioning across most measures. Sleep quality was uniquely associated with a handful of outcomes, and sleep duration was not significantly uniquely associated with any outcome in the regression analyses. ADHD status did not moderate effects.ConclusionsThis study provides compelling evidence that poorer academic, executive, and attentional functioning are more closely associated with greater eveningness than with sleep duration or quality in adolescents. Findings suggest that targeting circadian preference may be important to reduce these problems in adolescents, especially in clinical samples such as ADHD for whom academic, executive, and attentional difficulties are exceptionally common.


Institute of Education Sciences

National Institute of Mental Health









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