1. Department of GeobiologyUniversity of GöttingenGoldschmidtstraße 3 37077 Göttingen Germany
2. Museum für NaturkundeLeibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity ScienceInvalidenstraße 43 10115 Berlin Germany
3. Department of PalaeontologyUniversity of ViennaAlthanstraße 14 1090 Vienna Austria
4. Institute of Ecology and SystematicsVarona 11835, 11900 Havana, Cuba
5. Geoscience MuseumUniversity of GöttingenGoldschmidtstraße 3 37077 Göttingen Germany
6. Amber Study Group, c/o Geological‐Palaeontological Institute and Museum (CeNak) of the University of HamburgBundesstraße 55 20146 Hamburg Germany
7. Center for Integrative ConservationXishuangbanna Tropical Botanical GardenMenglun 666303 Yunnan China