1. McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity Florida Museum of Natural History University of Florida Gainesville FL 32611 USA
2. Department of Biology University of Florida Gainesville FL 32611 USA
3. Genetics Institute University of Florida Gainesville FL 32611 USA
4. Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Services University of Hawaii 3050 Maile Way Honolulu HI 96822‐2231 USA
5. Naturalis Biodiversity Center PO Box 9517 Leiden NL‐2300 RA The Netherlands
6. Department of Entomology NHB 105 Smithsonian Institution Washington DC USA
7. The Botanical Gardens Graduate School of Science The University of Tokyo Tokyo 112‐0001 Japan
8. Entomological Laboratory Graduate School of life and Environmental Sciences Osaka Prefecture University Sakai Osaka 599‐8531 Japan
9. Australian National Insect Collection National Research Collections Australia CSIRO Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
10. INRAE URZF Orléans France
11. IRBI UMR 7261 CNRS‐Université de Tours Tours France
12. Department of Life and Environmental Sciences Kyoto Prefectural University Sakyo Kyoto 606‐8522 Japan
13. Center for Frontier Natural History Kyoto Prefectural University Sakyo Kyoto 606-8522 Japan
14. Entomology and Nematology Department University of Florida Gainesville FL 32608 USA