1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2007 Nursing and midwifery labour force http://www.aihw.gov.au/publications/hwl/hwl-44-10724/hwl-44-10724.pdf
2. Australian Government 2010a Mental health nurse incentive program
3. Australian Government 2010b Practice incentive program. Practice nurse incentive guidelines http://www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/provider/incentives/pip/files/2709-9-pn-guidelines.pdf
4. Australian Practice Nurse Association 2010a Nurses in general practice recognised as key care providers in Federal funding shake up http://www.apna.asn.au/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=APNA/ccms.r?Pageid=11274
5. Australian Practice Nurse Association 2010b Consensus statement. Registered nurse and nurse practitioner role in primary health care. Australian Practice Nurse Association, Royal College of Nursing Australia, Australian College of Mental Health Nurses, Nurse Practitioner Association http://www.apna.asn.au/lib/pdf/Position%20Statements/Primary_Health_Care_Consensus_statement.pdf