Sexual dimorphism in the dwarf round ray Urotrygon nana


Guzmán‐Castellanos Ana Bricia1ORCID,Cervantes‐Hernández Pedro2,Ramírez‐Chávez Eduardo Juventino3,Martínez Reyes Vanessa4,Torres‐Huerta Ana María2ORCID


1. Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida, Centro de Investigación Marina Quintay (CIMARQ) Universidad Andrés Bello Viña del Mar Chile

2. Instituto de Recurso Universidad del Mar, Ciudad Universitaria s/n Oaxaca Mexico

3. Instituto de Ecología Universidad del Mar, Ciudad Universitaria s/n Oaxaca Mexico

4. Programa de Biología Marina Universidad del Mar, Ciudad Universitaria s/n Oaxaca Mexico


AbstractThis paper presents information on the morphological, morphometric, and dental sex differences in the dwarf round ray Urotrygon nana. We recorded 12 morphological traits, sex, the distribution pattern of dermal denticles, the number of tooth rows, and the tooth shape of 466 individuals. The disc width of females ranged from 50 to 172 mm and that of males ranged from 53 to 135 mm. A neuronal classification model and a correspondence analysis showed that female disc width was 21.5% broader, and the distance from the rostrum to the anus was 17.7% longer than that of males, whereas males presented 19.5% greater distance between the nostrils, 9.7% greater preorbital snout length, 6.8% greater cloaca to caudal‐fin length, 2.7% greater interorbital distance, and 1.1% greater total length than females. The disc of adult males, including the abdominal cavity area, was densely covered with dermal denticles, which were slightly larger than those observed in females. Females presented homodont dentition with molariform teeth and a smooth lozenge‐shaped crown with rounded margins. Males exhibited homodonty but with tooth morphology variations in individuals of different sizes (from molariforms to sharper cusp teeth). There were changes in disc shape (from subcircular to oval), distribution and size of dermal denticles (more abundant and larger), and tooth shape (from molariform to monocuspid teeth) during male development, from neonates to adults. U. nana exhibited sexual dimorphism in size, disc shape, number and shape of teeth, and distribution and size of dermal denticles.


Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Gobierno de México



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