Withdrawal: ‘Baseline Sociodemographic Characteristics and Mental Health Status of Primary Caregivers and Children Attending Schools on the Navajo Nation and White Mountain Apache Tribe During COVID‐19’ by Shannon Archuleta MPH, Joshuaa D. Allison‐Burbank PhD, Allison Ingalls MPH, Renae Begay MPH, Ryan Grass BS, Francene Larzelere PhD, Vanessa Begaye BS, Lacey Howe BS, Alicia Tsosie BS, Angelina Phoebe Keryte BA, Emily E. Haroz PhD, J Sch Health 2024, 10.1111/josh.13419.The above article, published online on 15 January 2024 in Wiley Online Library (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/josh.13419) has been withdrawn by agreement between the authors, the journal's Editor in Chief, Michael W. Long, the American School Health Association and Wiley Periodicals LLC.The withdrawal has been agreed because consent for publication from one of the tribes participating in the study was pending at the time of publication.
National Institutes of Health