Can N 2 O emissions offset the benefits from soil organic carbon storage?


Guenet Bertrand1ORCID,Gabrielle Benoit2,Chenu Claire2,Arrouays Dominique3,Balesdent Jérôme4,Bernoux Martial5,Bruni Elisa1,Caliman Jean‐Pierre6,Cardinael Rémi789ORCID,Chen Songchao3ORCID,Ciais Philippe1,Desbois Dominique10,Fouche Julien11,Frank Stefan12ORCID,Henault Catherine13,Lugato Emanuele14,Naipal Victoria1,Nesme Thomas15,Obersteiner Michael12,Pellerin Sylvain15,Powlson David S.16ORCID,Rasse Daniel P.17ORCID,Rees Frédéric2,Soussana Jean‐François18,Su Yang2,Tian Hanqin19ORCID,Valin Hugo12,Zhou Feng20ORCID


1. Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement CEA‐CNRS‐UVSQ‐UPSCALAY Gif sur Yvette France

2. UMR ÉcoSysINRAEAgroParisTechUniversité Paris‐Saclay Paris France

3. INRAEInfoSol Unit Orléans France

4. Aix‐Marseille UniversitéCNRSIRDINRAEColl FranceCEREGE Aix en Provence France

5. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)Climate and Environment Division Rome Italy

6. SMART Research Institute (SMARTRI) Riau Indonesia

7. CIRADUPR AIDA Harare Zimbabwe

8. AIDAUniv MontpellierCIRAD Montpellier France

9. Crop Science Department University of Zimbabwe Harare Zimbabwe

10. UMR Économie publique INRAE‐AgroParisTechUniversité Paris Saclay Paris France

11. Institut Agro LISAHUniv MontpellierINRAEIRD Montpellier France

12. IIASAInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Laxenburg Austria

13. Agroécologie AgroSup Dijon INRAEUniv. Bourgogne Franche‐Comté Dijon France

14. European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) Directorate for Sustainable Resources Ispra Italy

15. ISPAINRAEBordeaux Sciences AgroUniv. Bordeaux Villenave d'Ornon France

16. Department of Sustainable Agriculture Sciences Rothamsted Research Harpenden UK

17. Department of Biogeochemistry and Soil Quality NIBIO – Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research Ås Norway

18. INRAE Paris France

19. International Center for Climate and Global Change Research School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Auburn University Auburn AL USA

20. Sino‐France Institute of Earth Systems Science Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes College of Urban and Environmental Sciences Peking University Beijing P. R. China


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Agence Nationale de la Recherche




General Environmental Science,Ecology,Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary Change







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