1. 1G. R. Evans ,Old Arts and New Theology, Oxford1980 , p.31 .
2. 2G. Pare, A. Brunet, and P. Tremblay ,La Renaissance du XIIe Siecle: Les Ecoles et LEnseignement, Paris1933 , p.296 .
3. 3William of Auxerre,Summa Aurea, Book 3, De baptismo, referred to byM. D. Chenu ,La Theologie comme Science au Treizieme Siecle, Paris1943 , p.36 .
4. 4Aquinas Thomas ,Summa Theoiogiae, la. 1,7 & 8.
5. 5Alexander of Hales,Summa Theoiogiae, Introduction, article 1 quoted byM. D. Chenu , op. cit., p.40 .