1. Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics University of Sydney Sydney NSW Australia
2. Brain and Mind Centre University of Sydney Sydney NSW Australia
3. Faculty of Science School of Psychology University of Sydney Sydney NSW Australia
4. Faculty of Medicine and Health, Discipline of Exercise and Sport Science Charles Perkins Centre University of Sydney Sydney NSW Australia
5. Faculty of Medicine and Health, Discipline of Pharmacology University of Sydney Sydney NSW Australia
6. Woolcock Institute of Medical Research Glebe NSW Australia
7. Drug and Alcohol Services Central Coast Local Health District Gosford NSW Australia
8. School of Medicine and Public Health University of Newcastle NSW Australia
9. Faculty of Medicine and Health, Discipline of Addiction Medicine Central Clinical School University of Sydney Sydney NSW Australia
10. Faculty of Medicine and Health Central Clinical School University of Sydney Sydney NSW Australia
11. The Langton Centre, Drug and Alcohol Services South East Sydney Local Health District Sydney NSW Australia