Mitophagy modulation for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases


Forte Maurizio1,D'Ambrosio Luca2,Schiattarella Gabriele G.345,Salerno Nadia6,Perrone Marco Alfonso78,Loffredo Francesco S.9,Bertero Edoardo1011,Pilichou Kalliopi12,Manno Girolamo13,Valenti Valentina214,Spadafora Luigi14,Bernardi Marco15,Simeone Beatrice14,Sarto Gianmarco14,Frati Giacomo12,Perrino Cinzia4,Sciarretta Sebastiano12ORCID,


1. IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli Italy

2. Department of Medical‐Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies Sapienza University of Rome Latina Italy

3. Max Rubner Center for Cardiovascular Metabolic Renal Research Charité‐Universitätsmedizin Berlin Berlin Germany

4. Division of Cardiology, Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences Federico II University of Naples Naples Italy

5. DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research) Partner Site Berlin Berlin Germany

6. Division of Cardiology, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences Magna Graecia University Catanzaro Italy

7. Division of Cardiology and CardioLab, Department of Clinical Sciences and Translational Medicine University of Rome Tor Vergata Rome Italy

8. Clinical Pathways and Epidemiology Unit Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital IRCCS Rome Italy

9. Division of Cardiology, Department of Translational Medical Sciences University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli" Naples Italy

10. Department of Internal Medicine University of Genova Genoa Italy

11. Cardiovascular Disease Unit IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino‐Italian IRCCS Cardiology Network Genoa Italy

12. Department of Cardiac‐Thoracic‐Vascular Sciences and Public Health University of Padova Padova Italy

13. Department of Health Promotion, Mother and Child Care, Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties (PROMISE) "G. D'Alessandro" University of Palermo Palermo Italy

14. ICOT Istituto Marco Pasquali Latina Italy

15. Department of Clinical, Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology and Cardiovascular Sciences Sapienza University Rome Italy


AbstractBackgroundDefects of mitophagy, the selective form of autophagy for mitochondria, are commonly observed in several cardiovascular diseases and represent the main cause of mitochondrial dysfunction. For this reason, mitophagy has emerged as a novel and potential therapeutic target.MethodsIn this review, we discuss current evidence about the biological significance of mitophagy in relevant preclinical models of cardiac and vascular diseases, such as heart failure, ischemia/reperfusion injury, metabolic cardiomyopathy and atherosclerosis.ResultsMultiple studies have shown that cardiac and vascular mitophagy is an adaptive mechanism in response to stress, contributing to cardiovascular homeostasis. Mitophagy defects lead to cell death, ultimately impairing cardiac and vascular function, whereas restoration of mitophagy by specific compounds delays disease progression.ConclusionsDespite previous efforts, the molecular mechanisms underlying mitophagy activation in response to stress are not fully characterized. A comprehensive understanding of different forms of mitophagy active in the cardiovascular system is extremely important for the development of new drugs targeting this process. Human studies evaluating mitophagy abnormalities in patients at high cardiovascular risk also represent a future challenge.


Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca

Ministero della Salute



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