1. Department of Dermatology and Venereology Medical University of Graz Graz Austria
2. Allergy Outpatient Clinic Reumannplatz Vienna Austria
3. Center for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID) Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute (VAXINFECTIO) University of Antwerp Antwerp Belgium
4. Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics, and Documentation Medical University of Graz Graz Austria
5. Allergy UnitHospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real & Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón Madrid Spain
6. Servicio de Enfermedades del Sistema Inmune‐Alergia Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias Departamento de Medicina y EspecialidadesMédicas Universidad de Alcalá Madrid Spain
7. Servicio de Alergia Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (IRYCIS Madrid Spain
8. Allergy UnitVerona General Hospital Verona Italy
9. Laboratorio Unico Metropolitano Maggiore Hospital Bologna Italy
10. Clinical Department of Internal Diseases, Dermatology, and Allergology Medical University of Silesia Zabrze Poland
11. Allergology Department Medical University of Gdańsk Gdańsk Poland
12. Department of Dermatology General Hospital Ordensklinikum Linz GmbH Elisabethinen Linz Austria
13. University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik Slovenia
14. Department of Internal Medicine, Allergy, and Clinical Immunology Silesian University of Medicine Katowice Poland
15. Department of Internal Medicine Division of Immunology and Allergic Diseases Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Istanbul University Istanbul Turkey
16. Department of Dermatology and Allergology Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg Salzburg Austria
17. Department of Dermatology Kepler University Hospital and Medical FacultyJohannes Kepler University Linz Austria
18. Allergy Unit Hospital Central de la Cruz Roja Faculty of Medicine Alfonso X El Sabio UniversityARADyAL Madrid Spain
19. Department of Pulmonary Diseases Division of Immunology and Allergy Faculty of Medicine Ankara University Ankara Turkey
20. University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases, Golnik and Medical Faculty Ljubljana Ljubljana Slovenia
21. SD Allergologia ClinicaAzienda Ospedaliero‐Universitaria Pisana Pisa Italy
22. Allergy UnitSant'Anna Hospital Como Italy
23. Department of Internal Diseases, Pulmonology and Allergology Medical University of Wroclaw Wroclaw Poland
24. Clinical Allergology Department Pomeranian Medical University Szczecin Poland
25. UOC General Medicine Immunology and Allergology IRCCS Foundation CaGranda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milan Italy
26. High Specialization Unit of Allergology Hospital of Faenza AUSL (Local Health Unit) of Romagna Romagna Italy
27. Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and Allergology Medical University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria
28. Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba (IMIBICAvenida Menéndez Pidal S/N Córdoba Spain
29. 9Unidad de GestiónClínica de Inmunoalergia & ARADyAL Research Network Reina Sofía University Hospital Córdoba Spain
30. Department of Internal Medicine Division of Allergy and Immunology Medical Faculty Ege University Izmir Turkey
31. Department of Dermatology and Allergy University Hospital Würzburg Würzburg Germany
32. Department of Immunology and Allergology Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen Charles University Pilsen Czech Republic