1. I. Abel, and K. Prander (1994 ), ‘Main factors of Economic Adjustment in Hungary’, Paper presented at the Workshop on Industrial Restructuring, Reorientation of Trade and East-West Integration, Sofia, 29-30 May.
2. Financial restructuring of banks and enterprises in Poland
3. M. Belka, S. Estrin, M. E. Schaffer, and I. J. Singh (1994 ), ‘Enterprise Adjustment in Poland: Evidence from a Survey of 200 Private, Privatized and State-Owned Firms’, Paper presented at the Workshop on Enterprise Adjustment in Eastern Europe, World Bank, Washington, DC, 22-23 September.
4. M. Belka, and S. Krajewski (1994 ), ‘Hardening of Budget Constraints for the Polish Manufacturing Enterprises, 1991-1993: A Wish or Reality?’, Paper presented at the conference on Experience of Economic Transformation in Central Europe, ‘Lessons for the Future’, Warsaw, 14-16 April.