1. Alesina, A. , R. Baldwin , T. Boeri , W. Buiter , F. Giavazzi , D. Gros , S. Micossi , G. Tabellini , C. Wyplosz and K. Zimmermann (2008). ‘Open letter to European leaders on Europe’s banking crisis: a call for action’, VoxEU, 1 October.
2. BIS (Bank for International Settlements) (2009). Quarterly Report, December.
3. Council of the European Union (2007). Press release after the Council meeting, Economic and Financial Affairs, Luxembourg, 9 October.
4. Council of the European Union (2008). Press release after the Council meeting, Economic and Financial Affairs, Luxembourg, 7 October.
5. De Larosiere Group (The High-Level Group on Financial Supervision in the EU) (2009). Report, February.