1. See, e.g., the considerations of M.A. Reitmaier,Inlanderdiskriminierungen nach dem EWG-Vertrag: Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Auslegung von Art. 7 EWGV(N.P. Engel, 1984), pp. 61et seq.; T. Oppermann,Europaisches Gemeinschaftsrecht und deutsche Bildungsordnung: ?Gravier? und die Folgen(Bock, 1987), pp. 54et seq., both with further examples. See also the overview of the possible approaches concerning the determination of the scope of application of the Treaty in A. Epiney, ?Artikel 12 EGV?, in C. Calliess and M. Ruffert (eds),Kommentar zu EU-Vertrag und EG-Vertrag(Beck, 2007), para. 20; M. Rossi, ?Das Diskriminierungsverbot nach Artikel 12 EGV?, [2000]Europarecht197, at 202et seq.
2. See the examples in note 4infra.
3. The determination of ?the scope of application of the Treaty? is necessarily subject to change inasmuch as the latter can or must develop in the course of the modification of the Treaty. See Rossi,op. cit.note 1supra, at 197 and 198.
4. See especially Case 293/83,Gravier v City of Liege[1985] ECR 593, paras 21et seq.; Case C-147/03,Commission v Austria[2005] CMLR 645, paras 31et seq.; Case C-357/89,Raulin v Minister van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen[1992] ECR I-1027, paras 25et seq.; Case C-47/93,Commission v Belgium[1994] ECR I-1593, paras 13et seq.; Case C-65/03,Commission v Belgium[2004] ECR I-6427, para. 25; Case 186/87,Cowan v Tresor public[1989] ECR 195, para. 17; Case C-323/95,Hayes v Kronenberger GmbH[1997] ECR I-1711, para. 17; Case C-274/96,Criminal proceedings against Bickel and Franz[1998] ECR I-7637, paras 15et seq.; Case C-43/95,Data Delecta Aktiebolag and Forsberg v MSL Dynamics Ltd[1996] ECR I-4661, paras 13et seq.; Joined Cases C-92/92 and C-326/92,Collins v Imtrat Handelsgesellschaft mbH and Patricia Im- und Export Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH and Kraul v EMI Electrola GmbH[1993] ECR I-5145, paras 20et seq.; Case C-28/04,Tod's and Tod's Frange v Heyraud[2005] CMLR 755; Case C-85/96,Martinez Sala[1998] ECR I-2691, paras 63et seq.; Case C-184/99,Grzelczyk v Centre Public d'Aide Sociale d'Ottignes-Louvain-la-Neuve[2001] ECR I-6193, paras 30et seq.; Case C-456/02,Trojani v Centre publique d'aide sociale de Bruxelles[2004] ECR 7573, paras 37et seq.; Case C-224/98,D'Hoop v Office national de l'emploi[2002] ECR I-6191, paras 29et seq.; Case C-209/03,R (Dany Bidar) v London Borough of Ealing and Secretary of State for Education and Skills[2005] ECR I-2119, paras 31et seq.; Case C-148/02,Garcia Avello v Belgian State[2003] ECR I-11613, paras 21et seq.
5. See also the examples in note 8infra.