1. 1The author wishes to thank the Trustees and Director of the Eleutherian-Mills Historical Library for the grant-in-aid in the summer of 1965 which made possible the research on this article.
2. 2Rene Stourm , Les Finances de l'Ancien Regime et la Revolution (Paris, 1885 ), II, 11 -60 .
3. 3Gustave Schelle , DuPont de Nemours et l'eole physiocratique (Paris, 1888 ), p.243 .
4. 4B. G. Dupont , DuPont de Nemours: 1739-1817 (Newark, Delaware, 1933 ), II, 142 .
5. 5Pierre Joly , DuPont de Nemours, Soldat de la liberte (Paris, 1956 ), pp.50 , 50 , 50 -67 .