1. 1W. H. McNeill , Plagues and Peoples (New York, 1976 ). For a different view see T. McKeown,The Modem Rise of Population(New York, 1976).
2. 2M. B. Lurie , Resistance to Tuberculosis: Experimental Studies in Native and Acquired Defensive Mechanisms (Cambridge, Mass., 1964 ), pp. 116 -18 . M. Burnett and D. White, Natural History of Infectious Disease (Cambridge, 4th edn. 1972).
3. 3J. Neel , ‘Discussion’ inHealth and Disease in Tribal Societies (Amsterdam, 1977 ) hereafter Health and Disease, p.173 .
4. 4H. Festenstein, and P. Demant , HLA and H-2, Basic Immunogenetics, Biology, and Clinical Relevance (1978 ), ch. 5. R. A. Kaslow and S. Shaw, ‘The Role of Histocompatibility Antigens (HLA) in Infection’, Epidemiologic Reviews, 3 (1981), pp. 90-114. M. A. Brinton and N. Nathanson, ‘Genetic Determinants of Virus Susceptibility: Epidemiologic Implications of Murine Models’, Epid. Rev. 3(1981), pp. 115-39.