1. Institute of Environmental Sciences; University of Nyíregyháza; Nyíregyháza Hungary
2. Department of Crop and Soil Science; Oregon State University; Corvallis OR USA
3. Department of Soil Science and Water Management; Szent István University; Budapest Hungary
4. Department of Tisza River Research; Danube Research Institute; Centre for Ecology of HAS; Debrecen Hungary
5. Department of Land Management and Rural Development; University of Nyíregyháza; Nyíregyháza Hungary
6. Department of Ecology; University of Debrecen; Debrecen Hungary
7. Centre for Agricultural Sciences; Research Institute of Nyíregyháza; University of Debrecen; Nyíregyháza Hungary
8. Institute of Forest Assets Management; University of West Hungary; Sopron Hungary
9. Institute of Environmental and Earth Sciences; University of West Hungary; Sopron Hungary