1. "1"I am indebted toPeter Singer, Justin Oakley, and Ms Lynn Gillam for their comments on previous drafts of this paper.
2. "2"Discussion of abortion has evolved to the point where the use of the word "baby" or "fetus", "pro-life" or "pro-choice" indicates sympathy for one or the other side of the argument. In this paper I have opted for the description of "fetus" when the life remains within the woman's body, and baby when it is outside. The terms "opposed to abortion rights" and "in favour of abortion rights" have been used for those who label themselves "pro-life" and "pro-choice" respectively. These choices were made in the admittedly futile hope of offending no one, and the more realistic one that whatever offence is caused will be evenly distributed amongst those on both sides of the controversy.
3. "3"Viability is typically described as the potential of the fetus to be born alive, and to survive independently of its mother - albeit with artificial aid.
4. "4"This figure is a survival rate only and does not reflect the high percentage of extremely low birthweight infants who suffer some form of physical, psychological, social and/or intellectual disablement as a result of their extreme prematurity.
5. "5"The usual duration of a pregnancy is 40 weeks, and typical birthweights around 3500g.