1. M. Albert, and R. J. Ball (1983 ), Towards European Economic Recovery in the 1980s, European Parliament Working Documents, 31 August.
2. J. Blackwell, G. Danagher, and E. O'Malley (1983 ), An Analysis of Job Losses in Irish Manufacturing IndustryDublin, National Economic and Social Council, No. 67, March.
3. E. W. Bond, and S. E. Guisinger (1985 ), ‘Investment Incentives as Tariff Substitutes: a comprehensive measure of protection’ , Review of Economics and Statistics, February.
4. Commission of the European Communities (1987 ), Report by the Commission to the Council and Parliament on the Financing of the Community Budget, (Brussels), 28 February.
5. J. Delors (1987 ), Statement to the European Parliament, Strasbourg, 18 February 1987 , Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 1/87 .