1. (2). See APB Opinion 3: "The Statement of Source and Application of Funds". Issued by the Accounting Principles Borad of the American Institute of CPAs, October 1963. Journal of Accountancy, November 1963, p.66 "The term 'cash flow' has been used ... as 'funds derived from operations'. It is often defined as 'net income plus depreciation' or 'net income before deducting depreciation, depletion, amortization, etc.'". Flohr, Gunther, "Die Cash-flow-Analyse," Der Betrieb, 21/1964 uses for this term (p.703) "cash flow im ursprunglichen Sinne". Cp. also Linden, Hermann J. "Cash Flow oder Reingewinn," Das Werpapier 1/1962, p.3.
2. (3). See e.g. Linden, op. cit., p.6 "Nicht erfasst wird dagegen die Bildung stiller Reserven im Umlaufvermogen und in den Ruckstellungen".
3. (4). SeeRobert K. Jaedicke, and Robert T. Sprouse , Accounting Flows: Income, Funds, and Cash , Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1965 , pp.78 -92 . Cp. also Mason, Perry,"Cash Flow" Analysis and the Funds Statement, New York 1961, p.41 "In order to have meaning to the reader, cash flow statistics must be related to the entire financial operation, which can be done by means of a funds statement accompanied by interpretive comments".