1. World Health Organization Western Pacific Region Four Western Pacific Countries and Areas are The First in their Region to be Measles-free Manila (PHL) WHO WPR 2014 http://www.wpro.who.int/mediacentre/releases/2014/20140320/en/
2. National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System Summary Tables for Selected Single Disease [Internet]. Canberra (AUST) Australian Government Department of Health http://www9.health.gov.au/cda/source/cda-index.cfm
3. National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance Significant Events in Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccination Practice in Australia [Internet] Westmead (AUST) The Children's Hospital at Westmead 2013 http://www.ncirs.edu.au/assets/provider_resources/history/Measles-mumps-rubella-history-December-2013.pdf
4. National Health and Medical Research Council Measles: Guidelines for the Control of Outbreaks in Australia, 1996 Canberra (AUST) NHMRC 1996
5. Communicable Diseases Network Australia Guidelines for the Control of Measles Outbreaks in Australia Canberra (AUST) Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care 2000