Organic carbon enables the biotic engineering of beneficial soil structure in Profundihumic and Haplic Ferralsols


Martinez Pedro12ORCID,Lybrand Rebecca A.3,McFarlane Karis J.4,Dor Maoz5,Gallo Adrian C.1,Mayedo Amy1,Marini Fillipe6,Vidal‐Torrado Pablo7,Kleber Markus1


1. Department of Crop and Soil Science Oregon State University Corvallis Oregon USA

2. New Mexico State University Las Cruces New Mexico USA

3. Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources University of California‐Davis Davis California USA

4. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Livermore California USA

5. School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Oregon State University Corvallis Oregon USA

6. Department of Geosciences, Agroecology Graduate Program Federal University of Paraíba João Pessoa Brazil

7. Department of Soil Science, “Luiz de Queiroz” Agriculture College University of São Paulo Piracicaba Brazil


AbstractWe investigated how organic matter may, directly and indirectly, modify the porosity of Ferralsols, that is, deeply weathered soils of the tropics and subtropics. Although empirical and anecdotal evidence suggests that organic matter accumulation may increase porosity, a mechanistic understanding of the processes underlying this beneficial effect is lacking, especially so for Ferralsols. To achieve our end, we leveraged the fact that the Profundihumic qualifier of Ferralsols (PF) is distinguished from Haplic Ferralsols (HF) by both a much larger average carbon content in the first 1 m of soil depth (19 kg C m−3 in PF vs. 10 kg C m−3 in HF) and a significantly lower bulk density (1.05 ± 0.08 kg L−1 in PF vs. 1.21 ± 0.05 kg L−1 in HF). Through exhaustive modelling of carbon – bulk density relationships, we demonstrate that the lower bulk density of PF cannot be satisfactorily explained by a simple dilution effect. Rather, we found that bulk density correlated with carbon content when combined with carbon: nitrogen ratio (r2 = 0.51), black carbon content (r2 = 0.75), and Δ14C (r2 = 0.81). Total pore space was greater in PF (61 ± 3%) than in HF (55 ± 2%), but x‐ray computed tomography revealed that pore space inside soil aggregates of 4–5 mm diameter does not vary between the studied Ferralsols. We further observed nearly twice as many roots and burrows in PF compared with HF. We thus infer that the mechanism responsible for the increase in porosity is most likely an enhancement of resource availability (e.g., energy, carbon, and nutrients) for the organisms (earthworms, ants, termites, etc.) that physically displace soil particles and promote soil aggregation. As a result of increased resource availability, soil organisms can create especially the mesoscale structural soil features necessary for unrestricted water flow and rapid gas exchange. This insight paves the way for the development of land management technologies to optimize the physical shape and capacity of the soil bioreactor.


Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Division of Earth Sciences




Soil Science







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