The ancient Britons: groundwater fauna survived extreme climate change over tens of millions of years across NW Europe


McInerney Caitríona E.123,Maurice Louise4,Robertson Anne L.5,Knight Lee R. F. D.6,Arnscheidt Jörg2,Venditti Chris17,Dooley James S. G.3,Mathers Thomas1,Matthijs Severine89,Eriksson Karin2,Proudlove Graham S.10,Hänfling Bernd1


1. Department of Biological Sciences; Evolutional Biology Group; The University of Hull; Hull HU6 7RX UK

2. Environmental Sciences Research Institute; University of Ulster; Cromore Road Coleraine BT52 1SA Northern Ireland

3. Biomedical Sciences Research Institute; University of Ulster; Cromore Road Coleraine BT52 1SA Northern Ireland

4. British Geological Survey; Maclean Building, Crowmarsh Gifford Wallingford OX10 8BB UK

5. Department of Life Sciences; Roehampton University; Holybourne Avenue London SW15 4JD UK

6. No. 1, The Linhay; North Kenwood Farm; Oxton; Near Kenton Devon EX6 8EX UK

7. School of Biological Sciences; University of Reading; Reading RG6 6BX UK

8. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences; Vautierstraat 29 Brussels 1000 Belgium

9. Amphibian Evolution Lab; Department of Biology; Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Pleinlaan 2 Brussels 1050 Belgium

10. Department of Entomology; The Manchester Museum; University of Manchester; Manchester M13 9PL UK


EPA Ireland (STRIVE)

Belgian Science Policy Department

Linnean Society Systematics Association

University of Hull

British Cave Research Association

British Geological Survey

Roehampton University

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation




Genetics,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference75 articles.

1. Heat as a ground water tracer;Anderson;Groundwater,2005

2. The Miocene Climatic Optimum: evidence from ectothermic vertebrates of Central Europe;Böhme;Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,2003

3. Late Miocene “washhouse” climate in Europe;Böhme;Earth and Planetary Science Letters,2008

4. Mapping the origins and expansion of the Indo-European language family;Bouckaert;Science,2012

5. Groundwater-flow beneath ice sheets. 1. Large-scale patterns;Boulton;Quaternary Science Reviews,1995







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