1. 7. “Let's Move! Child Care Initiative,” available at (last visited November 18, 2013).
2. 1. CDC, Spectrum of Opportunities for Obesity Prevention in Early Care and Education, available at (last visited November 18, 2013).
3. 22. Columbus Department of Public Health, “Healthy Children, Healthy Weights Educators & Childcare Centers,” available at (last visited November 18, 2013).
4. 40. NACCRRA, “Child Care Training and Technical Assistance: Improving the Quality of Child Care,” May 2012, available at (last visited November 18, 2013).
5. 17. First Years in the First State: Improving Nutrition & Physical Activity Quality in Delaware Child Care, available at (last visited November 18, 2013); Child Care Provider's Guide: Helping Kids Eat Right and Stay Active in the Child Care Setting, available at (last visited November 18, 2013); “Healthy Habits for Life Toolkit,” available at (November 18, 2013).