1. Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco San Francisco California USA
2. Department of Medicine San Francisco VA Medical Center San Francisco California USA
3. Institute for Health Policy University of California San Francisco San Francisco California USA
4. Department of Medicine VA Portland Health Care System Portland Oregon USA
5. Primary Care Service VA Salt Lake City Health Care System Salt Lake City Utah USA
6. Department of Medicine Ralph H Johnson VA Medical Center Charleston South Carolina USA
7. Medical Service Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center Albuquerque New Mexico USA
8. Department of Medicine University of New Mexico School of Medicine Albuquerque New Mexico USA
9. Department of Medicine VA Puget Sound Healthcare System Seattle WA USA
10. Department of Medicine Great Lakes Region VA Health Care System, VISN 12 PBM Chicago Illinois USA
11. Clinical Chemistry Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare System West Haven Connecticut USA
12. Department of Laboratory Medicine Yale University School of Medicine New Haven Connecticut USA