1. A. Barari, 1983 . Hydrogeology of glacial till . Unpublished. South Dakota Geological Survey, Vermillion, South Dakota. 8 pp.
2. I.A. Bayrock, and J. F. Jones . 1963 . Surficial geology of the Vauxhall district, Alberta . Research Council of Alberta Prelim. Rept. 63-2. 4 pp.
3. A. R. Bender, C. G. Carlson, and L. O. Fine . 1982 . Preliminary appraisal of east central South Dakota soils for irrigation development . South Dakota Water Resources Research Institute, Brookings, South Dakota. 44 pp.
4. S. J. Cravens, 1985 . The hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of glacial till in Hand and Hyde Counties, South Dakota. UnpublishedM.S. Thesis , University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. 146 pp.
5. Origin, age and movement of pore water in argillaceous Quaternary deposits at four sites in southwestern Ontario