1. A summary of the biogeochemistry of nitrogen compounds in ground water
2. D. J. Brown, 1983 . The effect of waste stabilization pond seepage on ground water quality of shallow aquifers in eastern North Dakota. University of North Dakota unpublished M.S. thesis, Grand Forks, ND. 223 pp.
3. P. R. Bulger, 1987 . Evaluation of the interaction between seepage from a municipal waste stabilization lagoon, McVille, North Dakota, and a shallow unconfined aquifer . University of North DakotaunpublishedM.S. thesis , Grand Forks, ND. 225 pp.
4. Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium in Anaerobic Soil
5. Evidence for Clostridia as Agents of Dissimilatory Reduction of Nitrate to Ammonium in Soils