1. L. N. Britton, 1985 . Feasibility studies on the use of hydrogen peroxide to enhance microbial degradation of gasoline. American Petroleum Institute Publication 4389.
2. R. A. Brown, R. D. Norris, and R. L. Raymond . 1984 . Oxygen transport in contaminated aquifers with hydrogen peroxide. Proceedings of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water- Prevention, Detection and Restoration Conferencep.441 .
3. R. E. Hinchee, D. C. Downey, and E. J. Coleman . 1987 . Enhanced bioreclamation, soil venting and ground- water extraction: a cost-effectiveness and feasibility comparison. Proceedings of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water-Prevention, Detection and Restoration Conference.p.147 .
4. Biological methods for the restoration of contaminated aquifers