1. D. L. Baars, G. M. Stevenson, and D. L. Wiegand . 1981 . Tectonic evolution of the Paradox basin, Utah and Colorado . In: Geology of the Paradox basin. Rocky Mountain Assoc. of Geologists 1981 Field Conference. pp.23 -31 .
2. F. W. Cater, 1970 . Geology of the salt anticline region in south-western Colorado. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 637. 80 pp.
3. R. J. Hite, 1975 . An unusual northeast-trending fracture zone and its relation to basement wrench faulting in northern Paradox basin, Utah and Colorado . Four Corners Geological Society, 8th Field Conference Guidebook. pp.217 -223 .
4. G. C. Howard, and C. R. Fast . 1970 . Hydraulic Fracturing. Society of Petroleum Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. 203 pp.