1. S Bendixsen . 1994 . Summary of ground water conditions in the Bancroft-Lund ground water management area . Boise, Idaho: Idaho Department of Water Resources.
2. W.L. Burnham, A.H. Harder, and N.P. Dion . 1969 . Availability of ground water for large-scale use in the Malad Valley-Bear River areas of southeastern Idaho-An initial assessment . USGS Open-File Report. Washington, DC: USGS.
3. Effects of Feedback Complexity on Dynamic Decision Making
4. N.P Dion . 1974 . An estimate of leakage from Blackfoot Reservoir to Bear River Basin, southeastern Idaho . Idaho Department of Water Administration Water Information Bulletin 34. Boise, Idaho: Idaho Department of Reclamation.
5. N.P Dion . 1969 . Hydrologic reconnaissance of the Bear River basin in southeastern Idaho . Idaho Department of Reclamation Water Information Bulletin 13. Boise, Idaho: Idaho Department of Reclamation.