1. R.M. Allen-King, C.L. Albanese, J.P. Martin, and R. Roeder . 1997 . Discussion above.
2. W.P. Ball, 1997 . Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland . Personal communication.
3. C. Groen, 1995 . Department of Geology and Geotechnical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark . Personal communication.
4. Determination of Nonvolatile Organic Carbon in Aquifer Solids After Carbonate Removal by Sulfurous Acid
5. B.N.K. Njoroge, W.P. Ball, and R.S. Cherry . 1997 . Sorption of 1,2,4- trichlorobenzene and tetrachloro ethene within an authigenic soil profile: Changes in Kocwith soil depth . Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, in press.